Smart Contract
Storage :
Constants :
/** @notice Minimum Pledge duration */
uint256 public constant MIN_PLEDGE_DURATION = 1 weeks;
/** @notice Minimum delegation time when pledging */
uint256 public constant MIN_DELEGATION_DURATION = 2 days;
pledges() :
/** @notice List of all Pledges */
Pledge[] public pledges;
pledgeOwner(uint256) :
/** @notice Owner of each Pledge (ordered by index in the pledges list) */
mapping(uint256 => address) public pledgeOwner;
onwerPledges(address) :
/** @notice List of all Pledges for each owner */
mapping(address => uint256[]) public ownerPledges;
pledgeAvailableRewardAmounts(uint256) :
/** @notice Amount of rewards available for each Pledge */
// sorted by Pledge index
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public pledgeAvailableRewardAmounts;
votingEscrow() :
/** @notice Address of the votingToken to delegate */
IVotingEscrow public immutable votingEscrow;
delegationBoost() :
/** @notice Address of the Delegation Boost contract */
IBoostV2 public immutable delegationBoost;
minAmountRewardToken(address) :
/** @notice Minimum amount of reward per vote for each reward token */
// Also used to whitelist the tokens for rewards
mapping(address => uint256) public minAmountRewardToken;
rewardTokenTotalAmount(address) :
/** @notice Total amount held in Pledge for the reward amount */
mapping(address => uint256) public rewardTokenTotalAmount;
protocolFeeRatio() :
/** @notice ratio of fees to pay the protocol (in BPS) */
uint256 public protocolFeeRatio;
chestAddress() :
/** @notice Address to receive protocol fees */
address public chestAddress;
minVoteDiff() :
/** @notice Minimum vote difference for a Pledge */
uint256 public minVoteDiff;
Structs :
struct Pledge{
// Target amount of veCRV (balance scaled by Boost v2, fetched as adjusted_balance)
uint256 targetVotes;
// Price per vote per week, set by the owner
uint256 rewardPerVotePerWeek;
// Address to receive the Boosts
address receiver;
// Address of the token given as rewards to Boosters
address rewardToken;
// Timestamp of end of the Pledge
uint64 endTimestamp;
// Set to true if the Pledge is cancelled, or when closed after the endTimestamp
bool closed;
Events :
/** @notice Event emitted when a new Pledge is created */
event NewPledge(
address indexed creator,
address indexed receiver,
address indexed rewardToken,
uint256 id,
uint256 targetVotes,
uint256 rewardPerVotePerWeek,
uint256 endTimestamp
/** @notice Event emitted when a Pledge duration is extended */
event ExtendPledgeDuration(uint256 indexed pledgeId, uint256 oldEndTimestamp, uint256 newEndTimestamp);
/** @notice Event emitted when a Pledge reward per vote is increased */
event IncreasePledgeRewardPerVote(uint256 indexed pledgeId, uint256 oldrewardPerVotePerWeek, uint256 newrewardPerVotePerWeek);
/** @notice Event emitted when a Pledge is closed */
event ClosePledge(uint256 indexed pledgeId);
/** @notice Event emitted when rewards are retrieved from a closed Pledge */
event RetrievedPledgeRewards(uint256 indexed pledgeId, address receiver, uint256 amount);
/** @notice Event emitted when an user delegate to a Pledge */
event Pledged(uint256 indexed pledgeId, address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 endTimestamp);
/** @notice Event emitted when a new reward token is added to the list */
event NewRewardToken(address indexed token, uint256 minRewardPerWeek);
/** @notice Event emitted when a reward token parameter is updated */
event UpdateRewardToken(address indexed token, uint256 minRewardPerWeek);
/** @notice Event emitted when a reward token is removed from the list */
event RemoveRewardToken(address indexed token);
/** @notice Event emitted when the address for the Chest is updated */
event ChestUpdated(address oldChest, address newChest);
/** @notice Event emitted when the platform fee is updated */
event PlatformFeeUpdated(uint256 oldFee, uint256 newFee);
/** @notice Event emitted when the minimum vote difference value is updated */
event MinVoteDiffUpdated(uint256 oldMinVoteDiff, uint256 newMinVoteDiff);
View Methods :
nextPledgeIndex() :
* @notice Amount of Pledges listed in this contract
* @return uint256: Amount of Pledges listed in this contract
function nextPledgeIndex() public view returns(uint256);
getUserPledges() :
* @notice Get all Pledges created by the user
* @param user Address of the user
* @return uint256[]: List of Pledges IDs
function getUserPledges(address user) external view returns(uint256[] memory);
getAllPledges() :
* @notice Get all the Pledges
* @return Pledge[]: List of Pledge structs
function getAllPledges() external view returns(Pledge[] memory);
State-changing Methods :
pledge() :
* @notice Delegates boost to a given Pledge & receive rewards
* @param pledgeId Pledge to delegate to
* @param amount Amount to delegate
* @param endTimestamp End of delegation
function pledge(uint256 pledgeId, uint256 amount, uint256 endTimestamp) external;
pledgePercent() :
* @notice Delegates boost (using a percentage of the balance) to a given Pledge & receive rewards
* @param pledgeId Pledge to delegate to
* @param percent Percent of balance to delegate
* @param endTimestamp End of delegation
function pledgePercent(uint256 pledgeId, uint256 percent, uint256 endTimestamp) external;
createPledge() :
* @notice Creates a new Pledge
* @param receiver Address to receive the boost delegation
* @param rewardToken Address of the token distributed as reward
* @param targetVotes Maximum target of votes to have (own balance + delegation) for the receiver
* @param rewardPerVotePerWeek Amount of reward given for each vote delegation (per week)
* @param endTimestamp End of the Pledge
* @param maxTotalRewardAmount Maximum total reward amount allowed to be pulled by this contract
* @return uint256: Newly created Pledge ID
function createPledge(
address receiver,
address rewardToken,
uint256 targetVotes,
uint256 rewardPerVotePerWeek, // reward/veToken/week
uint256 endTimestamp,
uint256 maxTotalRewardAmount
) external returns(uint256);
extendPledge() :
* @notice Extends the Pledge duration
* @param pledgeId ID of the Pledge
* @param newEndTimestamp New end of the Pledge
* @param maxTotalRewardAmount Maximum added total reward amount allowed to be pulled by this contract
function extendPledge(
uint256 pledgeId,
uint256 newEndTimestamp,
uint256 maxTotalRewardAmount
) external;
increasePledgeRewardPerVote() :
* @notice Increases the Pledge reward per vote delegated
* @param pledgeId ID of the Pledge
* @param newRewardPerVotePerWeek New amount of reward given for each vote delegation (per week)
* @param maxTotalRewardAmount Maximum added total reward amount allowed to be pulled by this contract
function increasePledgeRewardPerVote(
uint256 pledgeId,
uint256 newRewardPerVotePerWeek,
uint256 maxTotalRewardAmount
) external;
closePledge() :
* @notice Closes a Pledge and retrieves all non-distributed rewards from a Pledge
* @param pledgeId ID of the Pledge to close
* @param receiver Address to receive the remaining rewards
function closePledge(uint256 pledgeId, address receiver) external;
Last updated
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