Through Smart Contracts

  1. Find the BoostOffer you want to buy a veBoost from. This will allow to find the Seller that created that Offer.

  2. With the percent of the Seller balance you want to use for the Boost, and the duration (in weeks), use the estimateFees() method (or estimateFeesPercent() if you want to buy a %age of an Offer) to find the CRV price to buy that Boost (if the parameter given are incorrect, do not fit in the parameters of the Seller Offer, or if the Seller veCRV lock duration ends before the duration asked for, the estimation will fail)

  3. Approve the returned estimated amount of CRV to Warden to pay for the Boost fees

  4. Then call the buyDelegationBoost() method (or buyDelegationBoostPercent()) to buy your Boost. The maxFeeAmount parameter is the amount of CRV given in step 3. The receiver is the address chosen to receive the Boost. The rest of the parameters are the same than step 3.

The Buyer will then need to call the user_checkpoint() method on all Curve V4 & Factory Gauges currently farming, to apply the newly received Boost

Last updated

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